How To Make Money Online with Internet Marketing $5K a month


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I have been blogging for just over two months now. Many of my mentoring students have been asking my advice on blogging. I have so far hesitated to teach much about blogging, because it's not something I feel I "know" yet. I feel much more comfortable teaching about things I know.

Well... I took a look at Alexa today and noticed that this blog almost hit the top 10,000 most visited sites on the Internet today. I have been seeing success with many of the methods that are unique to blog promotion. I felt it was time to write a post about blog promotion... BUT... WAIT!

I haven't even explained why I have this blog thing. I can't really jump into getting traffic to your blog without explaining why I have a blog and why you should have one too; now can I?

Let's go back to my history. I "made it" online without many of the tools you see me offering today. I had no products. I had no copywriting ability. My search engine ranking data was my key to my original success on the Internet.

I would simply create high ranking web-sites for some market and sell the traffic from those sites directly to those who did have copywriiting ability and products. Obviously I no longer recommend that. Having your own product and copywriting ability are both multipliers to knowing how to get traffic. Now-a-days I focus on all three aspects of your Internet business and recommend that you do the same.

